Section Contact Details
Tom Buvac
0400 029 2897
Thursday Match Captain:
Mick McMahon 0413 995 480
Section Program
Benchrest is a precision rifle shooting discipline where shooters aim to put five or 10 shots into the smallest possible group on paper targets placed at 50m, 100, 200 and 300 yards.
Groups are measured from the center to the center of the two widest shots in a group. Rifles are fired from rests, comprising a front rest to support the fore-end and a rear sandbag to support the rifle’s butt. Benchrest includes 10 main classes within this discipline, with the differences largely determined by rifle weight and caliber.
The Rifle
Rifles are custom built from the finest components. Currently in Australia there are several custom benchrest gunsmiths who can build a winning rifle. Ask the benchrest captain, or some of the competitors for details. Some components, such as high power scopes, have to be imported, but others are obtainable locally.
Experimental/Unlimited Benchrest
Experimental/Unlimited Benchrest is a centrefire class, which requires shooters to fire 10-shot groups, while all other classes fire five-shot groups. There are no rifle weight restrictions, but the length of the barrel must not be less than 457.2mm (18″). A safe trigger mechanism must be used and the rifle may be fired from any type of rest.
Heavy Benchrest
Heavy Benchrest is a centrefire class in which the maximum total weight of the rifle including a telescope must not exceed 6.123kg (13lb 8oz). The stock width must not exceed 76.2mm (3″) at any point and the length of the barrel must not be less than 457.2mm (18″). There are no restrictions on scope power. A safe trigger mechanism must be used and the rifle must be shot from restricted rests, such as sandbags at the front and rear.
Light Benchrest
Light Benchrest is a centrefire class in which the maximum total weight of the rifle must not exceed 4.763kg (10lb 8oz). The rifle must otherwise meet the specifications of the Heavy Benchrest class.
Sporter Benchrest Sporter Benchrest is a centrefire class in which the maximum total weight of the rifle must not exceed 4.082kg (9lb). The rifle must otherwise meet the specifications of the Heavy Benchrest class.
.22 Rimfire Benchrest Rifle
.22 Rimfire Benchrest Rifle includes a Light and Heavy class, with both allowing the use of any rimfire rifle chambered for the .22 Long Rifle rimfire cartridge. In the Light class, the total maximum weight of the rifle including a telescope must not exceed 3.515kg (7lb 12oz), the stock width must not exceed 57.15mm (2.25″) at any point, and the scope power is restricted to 6x magnification. In the Heavy class, the total maximum weight of the rifle including a telescope must not exceed 6.350kg (14lb). In both classes, the rifle must otherwise meet the specifications of the Heavy Benchrest class.
Centrefire Hunter Class
Centrefire Hunter Class includes a Light and Heavy class, with both allowing the use of centrefire rifles. In the Light class, the total maximum weight of the rifle must not exceed 4.536kg (10lb) and the stock width must not exceed 457.2mm (3″) at any point. The rifle must have a functioning magazine that will hold two or more cartridges that can be fed, chambered and made ready for firing and extracted solely by the bolt in the normal manner. Scope power is restricted to 6x magnification and the rifle must be fired from restricted rests only. In the Heavy class, the maximum total weight of the rifle must not exceed 6.35kg (14lb) and the rifle must otherwise meet the specifications of the Heavy Benchrest class.
Rimfire Hunter Class
Rimfire Hunter Class includes a Light and Heavy class, with both allowing the use of .22LR rimfire rifles. In the Light class, the total maximum weight of the rifle must not exceed 3.515kg (7lb 12oz) and the stock width must not exceed 57.15mm (2.25″) at any point. In the Heavy class, the maximum total weight of the rifle including a telescope must not exceed 6.35kg (14lb) and the rifle must otherwise meet the specifications of the Heavy Benchrest class..
Group sizes will be determined by measuring from the centre to centre of the two widest shots in the group. The ultimate group of .000 inches has never been achieved, although the sport has been around since 1948.
For Benchrest Hunter Class, one shot shall be fired on each of the scoring bulls. ‘Best edge’ scoring is used, in that if a shot touches or covers any part of a scoring ring, then that score shall be given.
The Targets
The official target for benchrest group competition shall contain five concentric rings, an aiming mark and a border surrounding the rings and the aiming mark.
Sighter targets have the addition of two concentric rings in each lower corner and the letter ‘S’ in one other corner. Benchrest Hunter Class targets shall have six ‘bulls’ per target, one of which shall be a sighter, which consists of five concentric scoring rings. There is an X ring in the centre of the ten ring.